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Nokia 7100 Supernova PC/Mac Transfer/Sync/Backup
Nokia 7100 Supernova PC/Mac Transfer/Sync/Backup
Nokia 7100 Supernova PC/Mac Transfer/Sync/Backup
Nokia 7100 Supernova PC/Mac Transfer/Sync/Backup
Nokia 7100 Supernova PC/Mac Transfer/Sync/Backup

Type(Type) 2011/2/7 23:46
Nokia 7100 Supernova PC/Mac Transfer/Sync/Backup

Connect 7100 via USB-Serial Cable (CA-42 Serial)

1. Get a 7100 USB-Serial Line (CA-42 Compatible, usually a Profolic ASIC chip)
e.g. http://store.pchome.com.tw/kandm/M02063374.htm

2. Download Profolic USB-2-Serial Driver
Mac OS X: Prolific USB-to-Serial Driver
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

3. Plug-In the USB-Serial Cable, and get the COM port numbers in Device Manager, usually it will be COM3/COM4/COM5...
=> Start -> Run -> devmgmt.msc -> OK -> Search Profolic USB-Serial COMx

4. Download & Install Nokia PC/Mac Suite ( or latest)
ZH: http://www.nokia.com.tw/support/download-software/nokia-pc-suite/download
EN: http://europe.nokia.com/support/download-software/pc-suites/compatibility-and-download

5. Launch Nokia PC suite
Settings(E) --> Management(M) --> Check CA-42 --> Setup CA-42 COM Ports equal to

6. Connect the USB-Serial Cable to PC/Mac
=> You will be able to see the 7100S-2 Connected in NOkia PC suite

Connect 7100 via an USB-Bluetooth Adapter

1. Get an USB-Bluetooth Adapter
e.g. http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/?mod=item&func=exhibit&IT_NO=DCAD02-A40794895&c=A10

If you PC/Mac/Laptop are nativly with a bluetooth device,
you don't have to buy it at all.

2. Plug-In the USB-Bluetooth adapter, and usually Windows XP or Latest Windows will be equipped with Bluetoooh driver by default
=> You will see a bluetooth icon in your task tray bar.

3. Download & Install Nokia PC/Mac Suite ( or latest)
ZH: http://www.nokia.com.tw/support/download-software/nokia-pc-suite/download
EN: http://europe.nokia.com/support/download-software/pc-suites/compatibility-and-download

4. Launch Nokia PC suite
Settings(E) --> Management(M) --> Check Bluetooth (Microsoft)

5. Setup Bluetooth direction

6. Pair your Nokia 7100 (S-2) with your PC
Menu --> Settings --> Connectivity --> Bluetooth --> Bluetooth ON

7. You will be able to see the Nokia 7100 S-2 Connected in NOkia PC suite
[更多討論] 討論區 Windows, Linux, Perl, PHP, C/C++, Driver, Web 理論、應用、硬體、軟體

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