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Looking for graphic designers / artists...
fayma32sky(StevenOfUS) 2010/6/4 10:52 (Since 2010/6/4 08:08)
If you are an experienced 2D and/or 3D graphic designer / artist and are interested in taking free-lance jobs in the video gaming industry, let us know.
Preferrably you have worked in the gaming field before.
You can write in CHINESE as well.
hieiyuyu(裘裘) 2010/6/4 10:50
fayma32sky 寫到:
If you are an experienced 2D and/or 3D graphic designer / artist and are interested in taking free-lance jobs in the video gaming industry, let us know.
Preferrably you have worked in the gaming field before.
You can write in CHINESE as well.

雖然我沒實際參與過gaming field 的工作~但我知道一些關於它的事~

謝謝~ 😉

Type(Type) 2010/6/4 11:33
請按照置頂格式 http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/viewtopic-38.html
[更多討論] 美術工作、廠商徵才、求才專區:插畫,美編工作,網頁設計,電玩2D/3D工作

"Looking for graphic designers / artists..." 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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