1991 年,Photoshop 2.0 for Mac 上市 (System 6 / System 7)
Photoshop 2.0 主要功能
* Paths * Rasterizer for Adobe Illustrator® files * 支援 CMYK Color * Duotones * 筆刷工具 (Pen tool) 1993 年,Photoshop 2.5 for Mac 1993 年,Photoshop 2.5 for Microsoft Windows, SGI IRIX, Sun Solaris
Photoshop CS3 主要功能 * 智慧濾鏡 Smart Filters * 支援 Intel CPU 的 Mac OS X * 快速選取 * Refine Edge tool * Automatic layer alignment and blending
Photoshop CS3 Extended 主要功能 * 3D visualization and texture editing * MATLAB integration * Measurement and counting tools * DICOM format support * Motion graphics and video layers * Movie Paint * Vanishing Point with 3D support * Image stack processing
2008 年,Photoshop CS4 上市(Creative Suite 4 產品包)
Photoshop CS4 主要功能 * Adjustments panel * Masks panel * Smoother panning and zooming * Fluid canvas rotation * Common user interface * Content Aware Scaling
Photoshop CS4 Extended 主要功能 * Breakthrough 3D editing and compositing * Enhanced motion graphics * Volume Rendering * Easier data collection and analysis 2009 年,Photoshop Elements 8.0 上市 * Organizer integrated with Adobe Premiere® Elements 8 * Auto-Analyzer * People Recognition * Photomerge Exposure * Quick fix previews * 2GB free online photo storage 2009 年,Adobe 介紹 Photoshop.com Mobile 給 iPhone 和 Android 手機使用者。 - 簡單手機影像處理 - 色彩調整 - 軟體變焦處理 - 手機 2GB 空間上傳到 http://www.photoshop.com/