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Starcraft 出 1.16 Patch 修正漏洞與加強會話聊天功能
Type(Type) 2008/12/16 23:29
出處: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?articleId=21150

心得: Blizzard 持續幫一個已經賣了 12 年的遊戲出補丁。

Starcraft and Brood War Patch Information

- patch 1.16

Feature Changes

- In-game chat is now saved in replays. Note: whispers are not saved.
(遊戲中談話會可以記錄在 Replays 中)

- Hitting the Escape key while in the chat room will clear your typed text.
(聊天室按下 ESC 會清除打字)

- "/reply" (or just "/r") will send a whisper to person who most recently whispered you.
(直接用 /reply 可以回應給上次跟你說密語、悄悄話的人)

Bug Fixes

- Fixed localization issues with "from" and "to" in whispers.

- Starcraft now only uses as much CPU as it needs to run smoothly.
(減少 CPU 的使用率,又能夠跑的順暢)

(修正一些升級建築物、全地圖核彈、生長束延伸、農夫穿越地形、pre-game lobby暫停的漏洞)

- Fixed an exploit which allowed Zerg players to gain minerals through mutations.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed Zerg players to recycle an upgrading building.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed Zerg players to extend their creep with a drone.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed Zerg players to move Drones over impassable terrain.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed Terran players to drop a nuke anywhere on the map.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed players to pause the game while in the pre-game lobby.


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