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日本畫家 長野剛 所繪製的精美封面
日本畫家 長野剛 所繪製的精美封面
日本畫家 長野剛 所繪製的精美封面

user120(user120) 2004/3/23 21:03
感謝 Grand Admiral Yenchin 朋友提供的

日本畫家 長野剛 所繪製的精美封面:

Japanese Covers

The books are often split in two parts, due to the size required by Japanese ideograms. That's why there is a line in the middle of each "cover", in fact it's a scan of two books set one next to the other to form the full drawing.

The artist who drew those NJO covers is named Tsuyoshi Nagano.

For the record, Dark Tide 1 : Onslaught was called simply Dark Tide in Japan, and Dark Tide 2 : Ruin was called Invasion of Ithor. Star by Star being quite a large book, it required to be split in two parts (which individually consist of two parts each), which are called Star by Star : Predator and Star by Star : Fallen.
TAKO(TAKO) 2004/3/23 22:50
長野剛讚啊~~~他是"信長的野望"原畫喔~~~ 🤩 🤩

他有畫過三國魔法牌喔~~~ 😜

其他的小說封面~~ 😃
anv006(嘎~) 2004/3/25 12:28

最近又標了12吋的Darth Vader, Darth Maul,和Tie Fighter Pilot,等有時間再來整理修改^+++^

再找到雪地兵ATAT駕駛員和Bike Scout應該就差不多了
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