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Trapped: Part-1 The White Rabbit Hint & Walkthrough
Type(Type) 2008/6/16 02:53 (Since 2007/9/27 22:53)
TRAPPED :: Chapter 1 The White Rabbit

Trapped White Rabbit Game URL:
=> http://trapped.rodrigoroesler.com/whiterabbit.php

Escape Flash Game

30~60 mins; Could be Save and Load.

Trapped White Rabbit Hint/Walk through
1. Game Goal: Collect the "Coins" and Place it as the "Drawing/Painting".

1.1 "Ice Pick" + "Dust" + "Memo on Bar": You could find a special tile in the map around the garden.

2. "Orange": To Fill into the Geometric Toy box, then you could get the drawing/painting.

3. "Half-Pear with Seed" + "Anabolic Steroids": Make the seed grow up to a pear tree and you could get a "Pear".

4. "Brush" + "Coke Cola": To wash and clean the wall.

5. "A Pear" + "Red Paint": Make the pear looks like an "APPLE" which to be placed and aimed upon boys' head.

6. "Pear Tree" + "AXE": You could get the "Wood" to burn.

7. Little Girl: Say something non-sense, then give you the key.

8. "Crystal Cup" + "Water": Make you play the piano as well as music box.

9. "Wood" + "Lamp" + "Lighter": Boil the Water, make the glued papers open.

10. "Glued Paper": The final hint that you can make the final adjustment.

See also:
1. MOTAS => http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/viewtopic-12141.html
2. More => http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/viewtopic-17941.html

#White Rabbit

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#White Rabbit by Type
#Walkthrough by Type
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