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a06608(君) 2007/8/26 01:34
消息來源: http://www.tmoa.gov.tw/b/b01_1.php?id=1960&types=1&m1=0&m2=0&m3=0


主題: 科技藝術展
2007.08.18 ~ 2007.09.23
地點:國立台灣美術館 D1-D3展覽室
主題網站: http://www.ncafroc.org.tw/techno2/

“At the intersection of art and technology, we see ambiguous light and images, an engagement neither friendly nor aloof; it can be a simple statement or an audacious catharsis, or a tireless rant, sometimes hidden and sometimes apparent, sometimes hastened and sometimes suspended, or provocative, but always able to ravish the soul like poetry.”
Art is the collective record of human experience, and along with the changes of the times, technological progress has rewritten the features of human life and greatly influenced the evolution of civilization. Inevitably, science and technology have become creative media for artists. Although technology has prove n to be a breakthrough artistic form, the coupling of art and technology is like a painter using a paintbrush to explain life, a musician playing the sounds of heaven on a musical instrument or the same as dancers using their bodies to demonstrate capabilities. Because of this, technology-based art can be a way of experiencing, a kind of annotation, a pivot, or magic that links extremes. Contemporary artists have brought technology into the palace hall of art, opening up the traditionally acknowledged category of aesthetics, and also urging forward the pluralization of the artistic forms. After the 1990s, wave after wave of digital art activities brought the viewing public into contact with boundless possibilities which transcended time and space. While surfing the Internet, one can receive and disseminate every kind of information. This kind of technology-based art compresses the distance between people, and presents a composite reality in the space between the virtual and actual worlds. Even more, while engaged in an interactive process, multiple sparks are ignited and reverberations are set off.
Wandering in Poetry: the 2nd NCAF Techno Art Creation Project exhibits the work of five artists—Tsai Wan-Shuen, Chang Po-Chih, Lin Jiun-Ting, Lin Chi-Wei and Wu Chi-Tsung—who have set out from their personal experiences and utilize different technology-based media to create astounding work which comments on a rich assortment topics. As artist Lin Chi-Wei explains in his own words: “I eliminate music theory, musical instruments, orchestras and all kinds of musical systems and return music back to a time of pre-civilization, when divisions between humanity and animals didn’t exist, in order to reply to the wailing instinct within our flesh. Tsai Wan-Shuen explains ” Lin Jiun-Ting says, “I explore the physical perceptions of the audience as they walk through interactive projected images. In this way I take lower levels of awareness and make them into surface layers and this becomes the audience's experience of reality.”her work as follows: “Using possibilities created by multimedia technology and combining my subjective choices with accidents, I produce a video environment for the audience as they roam about…” The marvels and magnificence of technology-based art have emerged along with the projected image, which, besides dazzling our eyes and ears, contains poetic significance and emanates artistic enchantment. The value of art rests in the varied backgrounds of its beholders. We all analyze and appreciate art from different perspectives, and the stimulation of such an innate experience can be explained in many different ways. This process in turn expands the definition of art and this is exactly what this exhibition intends to do.

[更多討論] 美術藝文新聞:美術新聞、展覽與藝文新聞

"科光幻影2007-詩路漫遊" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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