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The Princess of Soul
The Princess of Soul

purehay(purehay) 2007/6/8 23:48
She is the emissary of Plutonian named “MIGALIS”. Her mission is that transfers the soul from the world and leads them to dead domain. People cannot see her body, but the animal can. It explains that why animal can detect the catastrophe early. Emissary would not notify human about disaster because she thinks that human’s behavior let the world become more sinister. So she not opens her eyes to look the world.
In this piece, I used photoshop to make some new brush head to draw this. The style is more different before. And also want to show the feeling of cool and pure. Thank you^^ 😅



#Princess by purehay
#photoshop by purehay
#emissary by purehay
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Space Protector
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Resplendent spirit
Resplendent spirit
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oga(阿北) 2007/6/9 00:48
好犀利啊啊啊啊啊!!!!! 😱 😱 😱
Un(允) 2007/6/9 10:56
我好喜歡阿 😅 ❤️
leonardoe314(edward) 2007/6/9 11:32

: 😊 但以後可試著畫不須太華麗的構成
會有更好的成就喔 🤩
purehay(purehay) 2007/6/9 11:41
leonardoe314 寫到:
: 😊 但以後可試著畫不須太華麗的構成
會有更好的成就喔 🤩

其實我也明白您的意思, 或許我應該常試更多方面的表現.
因為我每畫一張插畫時都有這是您"最後一幅"的念頭. 所以
這樣使我不斷投入一張畫作, 或者可試試將這心情放在
其他方面. 謝謝您leonardoe314 😅
zerg(foong) 2007/6/10 00:51
purehay(purehay) 2007/6/10 11:20
其實本人都有一些稿圖都想與大家同好分享的 :)
好快post上 😅
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