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★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 阿美族Amis-飛鼠lawal
★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 阿美族Amis-飛鼠lawal

hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) 2020/8/21 10:22
巴奇達魯.馬耀的理念來自於「戰鬥吧! 勇士們!」。阿美族氏族的其中之一,意為太陽之子,與他意外森林訓練中受傷認識救他一命的小伙伴「飛鼠lawal」。
The concept of Pacidal Mayaw comes from "Fight! Warriors!". One of the Ami clans, which means the son of the sun, and his accidental forest training injured and met his little friend "flying squirrel lawal" who saved his life.


#hoelex by hoelex34
#浩理斯 by hoelex34
#AlicemisA by hoelex34
#心夢品牌 by hoelex34
#twaomas by hoelex34
#塔哇歐瑪司 by hoelex34
#トワオマス by hoelex34
#台灣風味原住民 by hoelex34
#台灣 by hoelex34
#Taiwan by hoelex34
#Aboriginal by hoelex34
#原住民 by hoelex34
#阿美族 by hoelex34
#Amis by hoelex34
#巴奇達魯 by hoelex34
#Pacidal by hoelex34
#飛鼠 by hoelex34
#lawal by hoelex34
★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 阿美族Amis-加油Sa'icelen
★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-日常與你 阿美族Amis-加油Sa'icelen
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★ 開拓動漫祭FancyFrontier 36 -心夢冰淇淋限定明信片
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★【我愛你 Maolahay kako tisowanan】塔哇歐瑪司twaomas-阿美族Amis
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