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UTF8 表情符號 08 emoji:日文商業漢字符號(Chrome 可顯示) ㊗️
Type(Type) 2018/12/1 19:35

🈁 Japanese “here” button
🈂️ Japanese “service charge” button
🈷️ Japanese “monthly amount” button
🈶 Japanese “not free of charge” button
🈯 Japanese “reserved” button
🉐 Japanese “bargain” button
🈹 Japanese “discount” button
🈚 Japanese “free of charge” button
🈲 Japanese “prohibited” button
🉑 Japanese “acceptable” button
🈸 Japanese “application” button
🈴 Japanese “passing grade” button
🈳 Japanese “vacancy” button
㊗️ Japanese “congratulations” button
㊙️ Japanese “secret” button
🈺 Japanese “open for business” button
🈵 Japanese “no vacancy” button


#emoji by Type
user20181202(🎸 💙) 2018/12/2 01:39
test 😍 😍
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"UTF8 表情符號 08 emoji:日文商業漢字符號(Chrome 可顯示) ㊗️" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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