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UTF8 表情符號 07 emoji:箭頭符號、按鈕符號、衛浴符號、菸符號(Chrome 可顯示) 🚽
Type(Type) 2018/12/1 19:29

UTF8 表情符號 07 emoji:箭頭符號、按鈕符號、衛浴符號、菸符號(Chrome 可顯示) 🚽

🚽 toilet
🚿 shower
🛁 bathtub
🚬 cigarette
⚰️ coffin
⚱️ funeral urn
🗿 moai
🏧 ATM sign
🚮 litter in bin sign
🚰 potable water
♿ wheelchair symbol
🚹 men’s room
🚺 women’s room
🚻 restroom
🚼 baby symbol
🚾 water closet
🛂 passport control
🛃 customs
🛄 baggage claim
🛅 left luggage
⚠️ warning
🚸 children crossing
⛔ no entry
🚫 prohibited
🚳 no bicycles
🚭 no smoking
🚯 no littering
🚱 non-potable water
🚷 no pedestrians
📵 no mobile phones
🔞 no one under eighteen
☢️ radioactive
☣️ biohazard
⬆️ up arrow
↗️ up-right arrow
➡️ right arrow
↘️ down-right arrow
⬇️ down arrow
↙️ down-left arrow
⬅️ left arrow
↖️ up-left arrow
↕️ up-down arrow
↔️ left-right arrow
↩️ right arrow curving left
↪️ left arrow curving right
⤴️ right arrow curving up
⤵️ right arrow curving down
🔃 clockwise vertical arrows
🔄 counterclockwise arrows button
🔙 BACK arrow
🔚 END arrow
🔛 ON! arrow
🔜 SOON arrow
🔝 TOP arrow
🛐 place of worship
⚛️ atom symbol
🕉️ om
✡️ star of David
☸️ wheel of dharma
☯️ yin yang
✝️ latin cross
☦️ orthodox cross
☪️ star and crescent
☮️ peace symbol
🕎 menorah
🔯 dotted six-pointed star
♈ Aries
♉ Taurus
♊ Gemini
♋ Cancer
♌ Leo
♍ Virgo
♎ Libra
♏ Scorpio
♐ Sagittarius
♑ Capricorn
♒ Aquarius
♓ Pisces
⛎ Ophiuchus
🔀 shuffle tracks button
🔁 repeat button
🔂 repeat single button
▶️ play button
⏩ fast-forward button
⏭️ next track button
⏯️ play or pause button
◀️ reverse button
⏪ fast reverse button
⏮️ last track button
🔼 upwards button
⏫ fast up button
🔽 downwards button
⏬ fast down button
⏸️ pause button
⏹️ stop button
⏺️ record button
⏏️ eject button
🎦 cinema
🔅 dim button
🔆 bright button
📶 antenna bars
📳 vibration mode
📴 mobile phone off
♀️ female sign
♂️ male sign
⚕️ medical symbol
♾️ infinity
♻️ recycling symbol
⚜️ fleur-de-lis
🔱 trident emblem
📛 name badge
🔰 Japanese symbol for beginner
⭕ heavy large circle
✅ white heavy check mark
☑️ ballot box with check
✔️ heavy check mark
✖️ heavy multiplication x
❌ cross mark
❎ cross mark button
➕ heavy plus sign
➖ heavy minus sign
➗ heavy division sign
➰ curly loop
➿ double curly loop
〽️ part alternation mark
✳️ eight-spoked asterisk
✴️ eight-pointed star
❇️ sparkle
‼️ double exclamation mark
⁉️ exclamation question mark
❓ question mark
❔ white question mark
❕ white exclamation mark
❗ exclamation mark
〰️ wavy dash
©️ copyright
®️ registered
™️ trade mark

💯 hundred points
🔠 input latin uppercase
🔡 input latin lowercase
🔢 input numbers
🔣 input symbols
🔤 input latin letters
🅰️ A button (blood type)
🆎 AB button (blood type)
🅱️ B button (blood type)
🆑 CL button
🆒 COOL button
🆓 FREE button
ℹ️ information
🆔 ID button
Ⓜ️ circled M
🆕 NEW button
🆖 NG button
🅾️ O button (blood type)
🆗 OK button
🅿️ P button
🆘 SOS button
🆙 UP! button
🆚 VS button


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"UTF8 表情符號 07 emoji:箭頭符號、按鈕符號、衛浴符號、菸符號(Chrome 可顯示) 🚽" 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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