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pull the wool 中文意思「欺騙、瞞騙、欺瞞」: pull the wool over one's eyes
pull the wool 中文意思「欺騙、瞞騙、欺瞞」: pull the wool over one's eyes
pull the wool 中文意思「欺騙、瞞騙、欺瞞」: pull the wool over one's eyes

Type(Type) 2015/10/11 23:19

pull the wool 中文意思「欺騙、瞞騙、欺瞞」: pull the wool over one's eyes

Wool 在這裡泛指「Woolly Wigs」「Woolen Wigs」,也就是「Court Dress Wigs」

Pull the wool over someone's eyes:「把法庭上的律師、法官、檢察官的假髮拉拉下來遮蔽他們的眼睛」

所以 Pull the wool or Pull the wool over sb's eyes: 在這裡就是代表「欺騙、瞞騙、欺瞞」

Chakotay: I'd just like to know - from someone else who pulled the wool over my eyes - was I particularly naive? Was I not paying enough attention? What the hell was it that let all you spies get by me?

查可泰:我只是想知道,從一個騙過我的人觀點來看:是我太過於天真無知導致我被欺騙? 或這我不夠注意事態狀況? 這是怎麼搞的,你們這些間諜一個一個這麼容易接近我利用我?(查可泰為人類,印地安族)

Lieutenant Tuvok: Like all Humans, you depend on feelings and instincts to guide you; and they invariably let you down. But particularly naive - no, Commander. And I've always considered your attention span to be adequate.

杜夫可:你像是所有人類一樣,使用感情和直覺來判斷事物,這可能讓你最後會大失所望;但是說到太過於天真無知?不是的,指揮官,我認為您的注意力總是集中的。(Tuvok 為瓦肯人,曾擔任 Janeway 的間諜騙過 Chakotay)

Commander Chakotay: Did you ever see anything about Seska that made you suspicious?

查可泰:你有看到 Seska 行為上任何蛛絲馬跡讓你覺得可疑?

Lieutenant Tuvok: No. She quite expertly pulled the wool over my eyes as well.



wool 的中文: 羊毛、馬毛、動物毛紡織品
wig(s) 的中文: 假髮 (s, 可數)
woollen wigs 的中文: 羊毛假髮、毛織品假髮
court dress / court dress code的中文: 法庭穿著/法庭穿著守則
dress code 的中文: 穿著手則/著裝守則
judge 的中文: 法官

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