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Did this long time ago. painted by marker.

Did this long time ago. painted by marker.

ChiaNi 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 12:39:23

Jotarun 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 12:40:54

Nathaniel 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 12:45:14
Jotarun: thank you. Sorry I can't use Chinese today. I am shareing computer with my friend.

ChiaNi 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 12:46:16
Nathaniel: thank you. Watch your blood. Ouch.

ChiaNi 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 12:47:51
This one is really charming and fantastic ^__^
Do me a favor, tell me what you saw beside the
ComboBox [Language[V]]? It's (zh-tw) or (en)?

Type[@]Vovo2000.Com 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 13:16:38

瓊如 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 13:39:24

(急著出門中~~~~~回來再給它留言 )

松 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 13:55:20

Masa 2003/5/2 (Fri.) 17:59:31

"Did this long time ago. painted by marker." 傳統頁面(電腦版)

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