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›› 2018交大藝趣節-AI (Authentic Identity) 交大藝趣節 (1519)

›› 「岡山城」晴冬快拍:2018/02/18 (2) Okayama Castle sunny day (2316)

›› 「岡山城」晴冬快拍:2018/02/18 (1) Okayama Castle sunny day (2471)

›› 奇幻場景設計、科幻背景 - cocox9fu0(Sawana) Landscape/Concept Art (40250)

›› 「Self-inflicted wound」 vs. 「Self-Injury/ Self-Harm」 有何差別? (2860)

›› 奇幻女性職業、電玩女性角色設計 by AZhang Game Art Design / Fantasy CG Girl (38165)

›› 艾草:女性角色插畫、場景設計 alic0154 Landscape / Female Character Design (33732)

›› 向量插畫設計、向量插畫繪圖 by motogpgood(ㄚ金/楊金顯) Vector Illustration (31343)

›› 遊戲女性角色設計、手遊美術 by pu777's Mobile Game Art Design, CG Girl Art (23768)

›› 手遊女性角色設計、女性人設 by 妘嬿 KUMOI's Game Art Design / CG Girl Art (21368)

›› 2017 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018 (1848)

›› 科幻怪物設計、角色設計 by 薩布 Sci-Fi Monster Design & Concept Art (20570)

›› 貓頭鷹、魔女系列:水彩油畫插畫 by GengYu - Watercolor/Painting, Cat Art (27129)

›› serflygod 遊戲場景、概念藝術設計 2017: Landscape/Building Game Artwork (32401)

›› 駱修思「奇幻插畫、古裝奇幻」dreamingfire1016's Ancient Dress-Code Art (31686)

›› Q版插畫、名人插畫 JayRock Celebrity Cartoon Version Illustration '17 (28160)

›› Neeb 199 Army and 1 Worker 2017-10-28 (1189)

›› 遊戲插畫與遊戲美術 cheyulin's Game Art and Landscape/Scene Design (24084)

›› 高興、開心、愉悅、歡喜的英文比較:Happy, Glad, Joyful, Delightful, Cheerful (24693)

›› 場景設計與概念創作 yalei's Concept Art and Landscape/Scene Design (21266)

›› 「公主」插畫創作系列 Shawli's Princess Series CG Illustration Artwork (17696)

›› State the Nature of your Emergency (James Kirk) (1093)

›› 企業Logo設計與企業識別 by Sdada's Corporate Identity Design & Logo (19174)

›› How to disable Ubuntu 16/18 MOTD "N packages can be updated" (3914)

›› 女性角色、CG美少女人設: tokyo3333192's CG Girl Character Drawing Art (18628)

›› "Chew you Out" 英文翻譯為中文為「嚴厲譴責你」「罵翻你」「嘴你」 (2345)

›› 針筆繪圖、針筆藝術手繪 - SnailWorld's Technical Pen Drawing Art (22450)

›› 角色設計、科幻概念 - dliu0822's Concept Art & Character Design (19951)

›› 水彩插畫、森林女孩插畫 - Venni Brenda's Watercolor Illustration & Girls (20744)

›› 商業形象設計與海報設計 - Hoelex34 Commercial and Cartoon Version Design (19336)

›› 女孩角色設計、大頭兔插畫系列 - CTT's Girl CG and Big Head Bunny (17477)

›› 場景設計、商業Logo設計 - e272578(鳳梨) Commercial Logo & Concept Art (18239)

›› 兒童繪本、手繪插畫 - genie1205 Picture Books Illustration Art (16936)

›› 女刺客、女性奇幻角色設計 - billy720616(朧月音) Female Character Fantasy Art (21192)

›› 言情唯美插畫、BL繪圖創作 - hero9656(zoeviya) Romance Style CG, BoysLove (17041)

›› 女騎士、女性奇幻角色設計 a90908527 Female Character Fantasy Concept Art (15895)

›› 2017 TWNIC「環保提袋設計比賽、文創禮品設計比賽」總獎金 15 萬 (10/15 截止) (5457)

›› Taiwanese Dollar Cash & Coins Online Museum (1336)

›› 遊戲場景、概念藝術設計: serflygod "Landscape/Building" Game Art Design (13998)

›› 遊戲場景、電玩背景美術設計 智樂堂 zealotdigital: Landscape Game Concept Art (10797)

›› 萌系角色設計、女性角色: 妘嬿 KUMOI "moe" Character Design Concept Art (5568)

›› 女性角色、奇幻角色設計: tschang625 Female Character Fantasy Concept Art (4887)

›› 概念藝術、角色設計、奇幻場景 - 5190991 dliu0822 Concept Art / Sci-Fi Art (4402)

›› 奇幻插畫、神話概念藝術、角色肖像 - 小童(shiaoton) Concept Art / Sci-Fi Art (3681)

›› 手繪插畫、「皮皮糖」LINE貼圖設計 - 碧海藍天(bichia) Illustration, LINE Sticker (2872)

›› 2017 TW TAX credit card promotion screen-cap (1282)

›› 2016 TW TAX credit card promotion screen-cap (1978)

›› 商業LINE貼圖設計、平面設計 - Hoelex34 Graphic Design & LINE Sticker (5526)

›› 紙娃娃:BBC 影集「超時空奇俠(超時空博士)」 (3740)

›› 旋轉螢幕快捷鍵:CTRL + ALT + UP (3747)

›› OpenVAS 8 failed status code:400/503, Task unable to start (6742)

›› SSL Labs 與 Google 把 CA 發行商「WoSign」「StartCom」憑證列為不信任憑證 (4147)

›› DNS Propagation status checker Bash Script w/ nslookup (4422)

›› 水彩插畫、心情插畫 Leeza's Love & Life watercolor illustration (3222)

›› 電影「帝一の國」主題曲「イト(ito)」紙娃娃 MV by クリープハイプ(CreepHyp) (4070)

›› 奇幻角色、科幻人物設計 Paindude's Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Concept Art (3374)

›› 奇幻角色、科幻人物設計 jiunnkuo420(郭駿) Fantasy / Sci-Fi Concept Art (3991)

›› 服裝設計、平面設計、向量圖 Rinko(茗凜MinRin): Costume Design, Illustrator (10138)

›› Art of Subconscious:2017 Group Exhibition by NCTU Arts Clubs (1548)

›› Google 成立自己的 Open Source 開放原始碼專屬網站 (5162)

›› SC1: 《星海爭霸》一代 4K 高畫質重製版 Evolution Completed (2017) (5426)

›› 科幻插畫、怪獸人設、角色設計 ALAGAN's Sci-Fi Illustration / Fantasy CG Art (28568)

›› 場景、神話童話、女性角色設計 艾草 alic0154's Landscape / Female Characters (4255)

›› starcraft II all achievements icons 星海二「全成就」ICON 圖像 (7732)

›› StarCraft 2 All Portraits 星海2獎勵頭像 (5196)

›› T shirt "My Happy Camera" (1124)

›› Age of Humanity –2017 Joint School Arts Exhibition (1543)

›› 遊戲美術、概念藝術、場景 - by Arpachi Game Art / Concept Art / Landscape (5558)

›› php-7.0-mod_php-apache2.4 vs. HHVM performance quick test (4348)

›› 遊戲美術、心情描繪:ln3d Louis Lu Game Art/Quick Sketch Illustration (4591)

›› 概念藝術、人物設定: Nick.C Concept Art Illustration, Character design (3199)

›› 丁酉雞年賀圖、雞年賀年卡: Card Illustration of Ding-You Chicken New Year (4565)

›› Take kind care of flowers/trees, don not tread on or pick up (1142)

›› 水彩創作、幻想/奇幻 CG 插畫 - 駱修思 dreamingfire1016 Sci-Fi CG Watercolor (4766)

›› 女性插畫人物繪製、遊戲美術 by "Lamier" - CG Girl/Concept Art Char Design (10097)

›› 古裝奇幻人物、古代傳說同人 by "Palyjean 帕里" - Eastern Ancient Fantasy CG (6469)

›› Shawli 「公主徹夜未眠」明信片創作 - PostCard "Sleepless Princess" Artwork (5900)

›› 「最後手段」諾娃特務密令「最後戰役」困難劇情星海大師成就 @ Nova-Covert-Ops 9 (7845)

›› 「杳無蹤跡」諾娃特務密令「敵影籠罩」困難劇情星海大師成就 @ Nova-Covert-Ops 7 (8402)

›› 「一人娘子軍」諾娃特務密令「黑暗蒼穹」困難劇情星海大師成就 @ Nova-Covert-Ops 8 (7926)

›› Sawana 場景與角色設計 - cocox9fu0(Sawana) Concept Art (6893)

›› 奇幻小說插畫、玄幻科幻小說封面繪製 by "FUFU" - SciFi/Fantasy Illustration (8035)

›› 「Q版人物設計」智樂堂美術 - Z.D.Art Carton Version Character Design (9492)

›› Google Analytics is/was spamming by Russians (2016/Nov~Dec) (4502)

›› 撒旦的教義卡牌美術 by jefeazero 加飛零, Gospel of Satan Card Game Arts (3663)

›› SmartCtl Examples: A failed SATA2 Seagate 500GB Disk (5688)

›› 各種「取得/獲得」英文差別比較: Get, Obtain, Acquire, Gain, Grab, Earn (51462)

›› 奇幻角色怪物設定 Fantasy SciFi Illustration Char Design by Plutus Su (4918)

›› 卡牌遊戲人設、卡牌設計插畫 - Card Game Art Design by angelworth(JY) (4971)

›› 剪紙/紙娃娃 Music Videos by 高橋優 「BEAUTIFUL」 (3800)

›› 關閉 Acer Aspire 大筆電/小筆電/Switch 等 "Secure Boot" 功能 (5362)

›› 原創人物設計、角色插畫 Fiction Character Illustration by WeiYi(WeiYi) (4331)

›› Replace "Notepad" with "Ultraedit" in Windows 10 (4645)

›› 小說角色插畫、人物設計 Fiction Character Design by kisn152(符君ks) (6203)

›› 不同程式語言比較(德州撲克影片):Perl,Python,Basic,C++,C#,JS,PHP,C (7575)

›› 2016 Halloween Artwork/CG Art - 萬聖節賀圖/萬聖節賀卡繪圖 (3792)

›› 場景設計、背景繪圖 Landscape/Scene Design by watermother2004(變種水母) (5094)

›› a9876543(Alice) 手遊戲場景設計、角色設定 - Alice's Mobile Game Art (2816)

›› 2016 Q4: 交大藝術季《秋冬》藝文饗宴-2016-Oct-Nov-Dec (1810)

›› Windows 10 使用 Linux Ubuntu & Bash Script Env (5683)

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