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出身背景:無意流派掌門之子 名子:未定

一天..在路上的小巷裡....一位年輕人被一個小孩擋住了路~<主角>:喂! <劍聖>:?恩~有什麼事ㄇ??<主角>:把你的長刀給我!!!快!!<劍聖>:刀?...你要做啥阿?(帶著調皮的表情問) <主角>:少囉唆..想死ㄇ(眼中發出邪氣)<劍聖>:(這眼神....) <主角>:你不給我是ㄇ(從胸口中抽出了短刀)?那我衝過去嘍!!!! <劍聖>:等等~ <主角>:去死吧!!!! <劍聖>:小子你聽我說!! <主角>:去死拉!!<啪叉一聲!!短刀刺中了劍聖的左腹部!!>... <主角>:.....為什麼!?你為麼不躲開!!你可以躲開的阿!! <劍聖>:(從地上爬起來..把刀子從胸口拔了出來...走進主角..在他面前蹲了下來) <劍聖>:小子....你是無意流派的唯一生還者吧 <主角>:你是誰!! <劍聖>:原來真的是你.........你的父親是我的叔父阿<劍聖>:我再10歲那一年就離家出走自己出去打拼 沒想到一回來卻發生這種事
嚴格說起來我算是你的哥哥呢!^^||| <主角>:哥哥?0_0? <劍聖>:小子....刀劍的傷..過了不久就會痊癒...但是心裡的痛..卻有可能是一輩子的,如果你願意...我能替你醫治你那心裡的傷ㄇ?..... <主角>:(抱在他了懷裡痛哭)

過了10年~成了新興劍流派-劍聖的傳人..但因政府害怕劍聖的權威與聲望~便給了劍聖無須有的罪名,但因門生反抗而遭到全派滅殺的災難......那時主角正在外辦事~趕回道場的途中..看見整個道場都毀了馬上衝進去看見同夥被殺害~好不容易找到了一個還有氣息的同伴便問 <主角>:是誰!!是誰幹的!! <同伴>:是....市政府的走狗.... <主角>:那劍聖呢!? <同伴>:被政府抓去了過了午時要處斬! <主角>:什麼!!!! (又是政府!!!又是政府!!!又是政府!!!)主角的腦中浮現小時後父母親被殺害的樣子!!!!眼中泛著血絲........哇阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<他失控ㄌ...>說完即拿著刀外衝!!!.....<待續>

白帥帥的喵仔 2002/10/28 (Mon.) 04:03:17
太多ㄌ貼不完....再貼下半段...<劍聖>:原來真的是你.........你的父親是我的叔父阿<劍聖>:我再10歲那一年就離家出走自己出去打拼 沒想到一回來卻發生這種事
嚴格說起來我算是你的哥哥呢!^^||| <主角>:哥哥?0_0? <劍聖>:小子....刀劍的傷..過了不久就會痊癒...但是心裡的痛..卻有可能是一輩子的,如果你願意...我能替你醫治你那心裡的傷ㄇ?..... <主角>:(抱在他了懷裡痛哭)

過了10年~成了新興劍流派-劍聖的傳人..但因政府害怕劍聖的權威與聲望~便給了劍聖無須有的罪名,但因門生反抗而遭到全派滅殺的災難......那時主角正在外辦事~趕回道場的途中..看見整個道場都毀了馬上衝進去看見同夥被殺害~好不容易找到了一個還有氣息的同伴便問 <主角>:是誰!!是誰幹的!! <同伴>:是....市政府的走狗.... <主角>:那劍聖呢!? <同伴>:被政府抓去了過了午時要處斬! <主角>:什麼!!!! (又是政府!!!又是政府!!!又是政府!!!)主角的腦中浮現小時後父母親被殺害的樣子!!!!眼中泛著血絲........哇阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<他失控ㄌ...>說完即拿著刀外衝!!!.....<待續>

白帥帥的喵仔 2002/10/28 (Mon.) 04:05:22

白帥帥的喵仔 2002/10/28 (Mon.) 04:05:54

想看的無 2002/10/28 (Mon.) 17:08:19

白帥帥的喵仔 2002/10/28 (Mon.) 17:16:45

投資人 2002/10/28 (Mon.) 22:03:05
According to experts, the chips used to power data center servers will continue to get smaller and faster, and Moore's Law of doubled performance every two years will continue unabated for at least the next 10 years. Also, new features like security and wireless communications will be bundled into microprocessors, ultimately easing the jobs of people in the data center who implement and maintain the servers.

First discovered in 1824 as a means of conducting electricity, silicon has been used as an essential semiconductor building block virtually since the first integrated circuit was designed at Texas Instruments in 1958.

After 2010, though, things could get very interesting.

"Everyone in the field is pretty comfortable that Moore's Law and silicon will dominate through the end of the decade," says Nathan Brookwood, a semiconductor analyst at Insight 64, an independent consultancy in Saratoga, Calif. "After that, though, people are a little worried about whether silicon will be able to go on indefinitely."

Some believe that silicon eventually will start to run out of steam; after all, one can cram only so many things into a tiny space before reaching a point of diminishing returns. Experts have been debating for years when that limit will be reached. There's been plenty of research going on in various areas of chip design and fabrication to help overcome the obstacles. Nanotechnology, quantum computing and other technologies have come to the fore as possible silicon replacements, Brookwood says.

In the meantime, semiconductor makers are trying to do all they can to keep silicon alive. Although research in new areas is ongoing, to actually mass-produce anything other than silicon will cost billions of dollars in new semiconductor manufacturing and design equipment. As the economy continues to spiral downward, these are not costs that chip makers are eager to bear.

投資人 2002/10/28 (Mon.) 22:05:51
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投資人 2002/10/28 (Mon.) 22:08:08