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Give me some comments! *_*

Agnes 2002/10/9 (Wed.) 15:20:57
We should call Illustrator of God---"Mike" to give you comments!

Bruce 2002/10/9 (Wed.) 15:57:53
a beautiful,and impressive one ~ :-)
If she was an estern-girl ,then her frame is a little bit... too strong , in my opinion . She looks like GiGI by the way.

HansG 2002/10/9 (Wed.) 16:00:24

BRuce 2002/10/9 (Wed.) 16:03:16
Very very very good la ......!!(GIGI fans LittleDaniel .........^^)

根本沒學過畫圖滴小丹尼爾....... 2002/10/9 (Wed.) 17:08:50
I so surprise............
but u must to finish ok

mike 2002/10/9 (Wed.) 23:34:58
I am so surprised.才對^^||||然後must後面接動詞不需要再加to....^^|||

enya 2002/10/9 (Wed.) 23:49:33
You are right! She is Gi Gi. Yes! using illustrator .
And i 會中文 :)
anyway, thank for your comments. ^_^

Agnes 2002/10/10 (Thurs.) 09:58:48

mike 2002/10/10 (Thurs.) 15:13:28