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purehay(purehay) :: purehay 美術繪圖作品畫廊 人氣點閱: 153471

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Resplendent spirit
人氣點閱: 9626, 回覆: 27, 2007-10-28
This is one of illustrations of my story, it is talking about the robot war happened on ancient period. The robot is made by
stone, metal, and pillar. For expressing the mood of resplendent, i made the light effect came from one side, and tuned the color more golden. Thank you so much ^_^

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White Fortress
人氣點閱: 10985, 回覆: 27, 2007-11-19
The idea of this piece is based on “Fortress”. It gave me the feeling on durable, and protected. So I deformed the suit of white armor for the character and created some metal-tend image to the armor design. And finally I tuned the red to showed the contrast between her to background, so that to separate the view between her and background. Thank you so much!

my blog: http://purehay.cgsociety.org/gallery/

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~50-60年代香港小食機械人~ ›› 小吃 ›› 香港 ›› 機器人
人氣點閱: 10524, 回覆: 22, 2008-09-01
大家好, 這是以"舊香港60-70年代"的環境為背景, 並以香港地道
小食為題材, 小食機械人為主角色. ^_^

其實這是一個機械人角色設計比賽裡的作品, 而這是為那個色所畫的
情景插畫, 以以前"舊照片"的感覺為主, 描寫當時機械人"大包"的生活.


謝謝大家! 😉

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