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purehay(purehay) :: purehay 美術繪圖作品畫廊 人氣點閱: 153281

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Armor Goddess
人氣點閱: 7145, 回覆: 9, 2009-03-25
(21 個評分 Rating 5.5625)
只要將勇士的靈魂注入在女神之盔上便會發揮最大的防護力, 輝煌而無可堅不剋.

my blog

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Fast Sketch on machine fantasy
人氣點閱: 5409, 回覆: 7, 2007-06-12
昨日突然想起一個機械人打鬥的畫面, 機器造型帶些工業味道.
稍後會作插畫加工. thank you.

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The Princess of Soul ›› Princess ›› photoshop ›› emissary
人氣點閱: 5752, 回覆: 6, 2007-06-08
(2 個評分 Rating 4.5)
She is the emissary of Plutonian named “MIGALIS”. Her mission is that transfers the soul from the world and leads them to dead domain. People cannot see her body, but the animal can. It explains that why animal can detect the catastrophe early. Emissary would not notify human about disaster because she thinks that human’s behavior let the world become more sinister. So she not opens her eyes to look the world.
In this piece, I used photoshop to make some new brush head to draw this. The style is more different before. And also want to show the feeling of cool and pure. Thank you^^ 😅


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Wonderland in my dream ›› purehay
人氣點閱: 5023, 回覆: 6, 2012-06-01
(17 個評分 Rating 5.5)
大家好, 在這裡再分享本人的fantasy art, Wonderland in my dream. thanks.

software: Photoshop, painter
My blog: http://purehay2008.blogspot.com/

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My Pure Dressing
人氣點閱: 3893, 回覆: 6, 2012-06-09
(17 個評分 Rating 5.6875)
我相信穿起這套"白色花裙"的女性一定很漂亮, 哈, 一起來試穿吧~

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人氣點閱: 4440, 回覆: 5, 2007-05-09

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